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Institutions and Organisations C - M

Click on the initial letter of the organisation to go to the correct page or in order to get correct data, you can also contact elite writings at https://essayelites.com/ and use their capabilities for correct work.

[A][B][C][D][E][F] [G][H][I][J][K][L] [M][N][O][P][R] [S][T][U][V][W]


Cancer Research UK

Central Office for Research Ethics Committees

Centre for Evidence-based Mental Health

Centre for Health Economics

Centre for Policy on Ageing

Chartered Institute of Environmental Health

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Chief Medical Officer

Christian Medical Fellowship

Clinical Molecular Genetics Society

College of Occupational Therapists

College of Optometrists

Counsellors and Psychotherapists in Primary Care


Dental Sedation Teachers’ Group

Department of Health

Diabetes UK (formerly the British Diabetic Association)

Dispensing Doctors' Association

Down's Syndrome Medical Interest Group


Dyslexia Institute


Experimental Psychology Society


Faculty of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care

Federation of Clinical Scientists

Federation of Drug and Alcohol Professionals

Federation Of Ophthalmic and Dispensing Opticians

Forum for Independent Psychotherapists

Foundation of Nursing Studies


General Chiropractic Council

General Dental Council

General Medical Council

General Optical Council

General Osteopathic Council

Genetics Society

Guild of Catholic Doctors

Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists


Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Group

Hospital Broadcasting Association

Hospital Caterers Association

Hospital Chaplaincies Council

Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association

Hospital Infection Society


Independent Midwives Association.

Infection Control Nurses Association

Institute of Alcohol Studies

Institute of Biology

Institute of Biomedical Science

Institute of Cancer Research

Institute of Food Research

Institute of Food Science and Technology

Institute of Medical Illustrators

Institute of Neurology

Institute of Optometry

Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine

Institute of Psychiatry

Institute of Psychotherapy and Social Studies

Institute of Sterile Services Management

Institute of Trichologists

Intercollegiate Group on Nutrition


Kings Fund


London Library and Information Development Unit


Medical Defence Union

Medical Research Council

Medico-Legal Society

Midland Gastroenterological Society


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Last updated 17th March 2011