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Health Care Statistics

This guide is a list of suggestions for useful sources of health care statistics, not an exhaustive list, for example, there are separate studies that are conducted for clarification, you can buy sociology paper, etc. We would be happy to accept suggestions for sources that are not included on this list.

Links are provided to the full-text if possible. Some sources are only available in print, and for these, the shelf location is given where it may be found in the John Squire Library.


Back Pain
Cardiovascular System
Child Health
Deaths - Infant
Deaths - Maternal
Health Behaviour 
Health Personnel
Health Services
Health Variations 
Maternity Services
Mental Health
Occupational Health 
Respiratory System
Socio-economic statistics

Finding statistics in journal articles

Department of Health
Statistics and Surveys
Office for National Statistics
National Statistics: the official UK statistics
Office for National Statistics 
Guide to official statistics.
Stationery Office: 2000.


Department of Health  
(The health of the nation key area handbooks.)
HMSO: 1993.
WA 100
Department of Health
Statistics on alcohol: 1976 onwards.
(Statistical bulletin 1999/24.)
Health Education Authority  
Health update: alcohol. 2nd ed.
Health Education Authority: 1997.
WM 274
Scottish Council on Alcohol  
UK alcohol statistics 1997.
Scottish Council on Alcohol: 1998.
WM 274
Goddard, E.  
Drinking: adults' behaviour and knowledge. A report on research for the Department of Health using the ONS omnibus survey.
Stationery Office: 1997.
WM 274
Back Painup
Dodd, T.  
The prevalence of back pain in Great Britain 1998.
Stationery Office: 1999
Department of Health  
(The health of the nation key area handbooks.)
HMSO: 1993.
WA 100
Cardiovascular Systemup
Department of Health  
Coronary heart disease: an epidemiological overview.
(Central health monitoring unit epidemiological overview series.)
Stationery Office: 1994.
WA 100
Health Education Authority 
Mapping the epidemic: a guide to geographical variations in preventable deaths in England: coronary heart
Health Education Authority: 1990.
WG 300
Child Healthup
Joint Health Surveys Unit 
Health survey for England: the health of young people '95-97: summary of key finding.
Stationery Office: 1998
WS 16
Woodroffe, C.; Glickman, M.; Barker, M.  
Children, teenagers and health: the key data.
Open University: 1993.
WS 16
Hawe, E.  
Compendium of health statistics.
Radcliffe: 2007.
Charlton, J.; Murphy, M. (eds) The health of adult Britain 1841-1994: volume 2 chapters 15-27. Reviews specific major categories of diseases,
the elderly and changes in health generally in the most recent 10 years.
(Decennial supplement no.13.)
Stationery Office: 1997.
WA 900
Deaths - Infantup
Confidential Enquiry into Stillbirths and 
Deaths in Infancy
Confidential Enquiry into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy: 7th annual report.
Maternal and Child Health Research Consortium: 2000.
Deaths - Maternalup
Department of Health  
Report on confidential enquiries into maternal deaths in the United Kingdom 1991-1993.
HMSO: 1996.
WA 900
Prescott-Clarke, P.; Primatesta, P. (eds)  
Health survey for England 1995: a survey carried out on behalf of the Department of Health. Volume I: findings.
(The health of the nation.)
Stationery Office: 1997.
Chapter 4: Disability
WA 100
Whitehead, M.  
Health update: physical activity.
(Health update 5.)
Health Education Authority: 1995.
QT 255
Charlton, J.; Murphy, M. (eds) The health of adult Britain 1841-1994: volume 2 chapters 15-27. Reviews specific major categories of diseases,
the elderly and changes in health generally in the most recent 10 years.
(Decennial supplement no.13.)
Stationery Office: 1997.
WA 900
Sproston, K., Primatesta, P.  
Health survey for England 2002: summary of key findings.
Stationery Office: 2004.
WA 100
Health Behaviourup
Hansbro, J.; Bridgwood, A.; Morgan, A.; Hickman, M.  
Health in England 1996: what people know, what people think, what people do. A survey of adults aged 16-74 in England carried out by Social Survey Division of ONS on behalf of the Health Education
Stationery Office: 1997.
WA 100
Health Personnelup
Alexander, M.; Smyth, M.  
Professions allied to medicine: a study of 5 professions by following up people identified as qualified in the 1991
Stationery Office: 1996.
W 21.5
Lader, D.  
Qualified nurses, midwives and health visitors: a survey carried out by the Social Survey Division of OPCS on behalf of the Department of Health.
HMSO: 1995.
WY 29
Seccombe, I.; Smith, G.  
In the balance: registered nurse supply and demand, 1996.
(Institute for Employment Studies: report 315.)
Institute for Employment Studies: 1996.
WY 29
Health Servicesup
Hawe, E.  
Compendium of health statistics.
Radcliffe: 2007.
WX 28
Wanless, D., Appleby, J., Harrison, A.
Our future health secured?: a review of NHS funding and performance.
King's Fund: 2007.
Health Variationsup
Drever, F.; Whitehead, M. (eds)  
Health inequalities: decennial supplement.
(DS no.15.)
Stationery Office: 1997.
WA 30
Office for National Statistics 
Social inequalities: 2000 edition.
Stationery Office: 2000.
McGuire, C.  
Health update: immunisation.
Health Education Authority: 1998.
WA 110
Maternity Servicesup
Confidential Enquiry into Stillbirths and 
Deaths in Infancy
Confidential Enquiry into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy: 7th annual report.
Maternal and Child Health Research Consortium: 2000.
National Statistics
NHS maternity statistics, England, 2004-05. (Statistical Bulletin 2006/08).
Information Centre: 2006.
WA 900
Macfarlane, A.; Mugford, M. 
Birth counts: statistics of pregnancy and childbirth. In 2 vols.
Stationery Office: 2000.
WQ 16
Mental Healthup
Office for National Statistics 
Mental health of children and adolescents in Great Britain.
Office for National Statistics: 2000
Occupational Healthup
Health Education Authority 
Health update: workplace health.
Health Education Authority: 1997.
WA 400
Respiratory Systemup
Department of Health  
Asthma: an epidemiological overview.
Health of the nation.
(Central Health Monitoring Unit epidemiological overview series.)
HMSO: 1995.
WA 100
Walters, R.; Whent, H.  
Health update: smoking. 3rd ed.
Health Education Authority: 1996.
WM 290
Dawe, F.; Goddard, E.  
Smoking-related behaviour and attitudes: a report on research using the ONS omnibus survey produced on behalf of the
Department of Health.
Stationery Office: 1997.
WM 290
Callum, C.  
The UK smoking epidemic: deaths in 1995.
Health Education Authority: 1998.
WM 290
Socio-economic Statisticsup
Charlton, J.; Murphy, M. (eds)  
The health of adult Britain 1841-1994: volume 1 chapters 1-14. Reviews broad trends in mortality, life expectancy,
use of health services and changes in factors which have influenced health.
(Decennial supplement no.12.)
Stationery Office: 1997.
WA 900
Office for National Statistics  
census 2001: key statistics for new health areas. England and Wales.
Stationery Office: 2003.
Office for National Statistics  
Key population and vital statistics 2005.
(VS no. 25, PPI no.21.)
Stationery Office: 2007.
Office for National Statistics  
Social trends.
Stationery Office: 2001.
Department of Health 
Stroke: an epidemiological overview.
Health of the nation.
(Central Health Monitoring Unit
epidemiological overview series.)
HMSO: 1994.
WA 100
Finding statistics in journal articlesup
Statistics on specific conditions can often be found in journal articles. To locate these, you need to do a literature search on Medline, using the following steps:
  1. Search for the country you are interested in, e.g. 'england'
  2. Search for the specific condition e.g. 'diabetes'.
  3. Search for the exploded subheading 'Statistics & Numerical Data' using the search term 'sn.xs'
  4. Combine the three search together e.g. '1 and 2 and 3'

Your search will look something like this:

  1. England                           26989
  2. Diabetes                          259439
  3. sn.xs                              1624898
  4. 1 and 2 and 3                   335
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